Sudè Khanian


Artist Sudè Khanian 






Walking with the Memories from the Past

Walking with the Memories from the Past

Under the Wings of an Angel

Under the Wings of an Angel


The Grand Leader

The Grand Leader

A story of a Mermaid

A story of a Mermaid

The Grand Secret

The Grand Secret

Pure Heart

Pure Heart







stPEtersburgmeSudè Khanian is an Iranian born artist specializing in Qi (energy healing) and philosophical art (Vaguest art) that is sometimes associated with Surrealism movement. Sudè is a Persian born Muslim who practices a form of Qi meditation referred to as ‘pure Qi’. The influence of her monotheistic religion as well as Universalist philosophy of Qi is evident in her paintings, both in choice of colors and lines to accentuate a single yellow or white focal point as well as within her detailed use of optical illusion to interrelate and derivate.

 In contrast, the influence of her Persian culture and her experience of war is less pronounced in the paintings and is limited to random poetic expressions within colors, shapes, and figures; something that is repeatedly observed in works of contemporary Iranian painters as well as the traditional Iranian Miniature.   

Apart from the Qi healing aspect of her work –which can be very subjective and not acknowledged or accepted by all belief sets  –Sudè states that her use of optical illusion and the discovery journey that the paintings take a viewer through, according to latest science researches on optical illusion, stimulates many areas of the brain. This stimulation helps the viewer fee alert, yet relaxed.